


Jerry Hsu was elected as the chairman after Directors and supervisors election

After the 2021 shareholders' meeting was held on August 11, the twentieth board of directors and supervisors were re-elected, Jerry Hsu was elected as the new chairman and concurrently served as the president. Rock Hsu ended his 25-year tenure as Chairman of AcBel and was transferred to the honorary chairman of the board. Jerry Hsu hopes to lead the company to a new level and continue to build a friendly company with the leadership policy of "Temperature, Attitude, Tolerance, and Enthusiasm".It will also start to slowly transform from products, and lock in the three major areas of "power supply, green energy, and electric vehicle charging equipment" to creat AcBel’s next 40-year new mileage.

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https://ctee.com.tw/news/tech/501313.html 許勝雄交棒 許介立掌康舒|工商時報|20210812

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpETcOKomS0 許勝雄領軍康舒25年 董座交棒獨子許介立! 許勝雄:將全權放手經營權|非凡財經新聞|20210811