


AcBel achieved double "A-" rating from CDP on climate change and water security questionnaires

The latest 2023 CDP questionnaire evaluation results were announced, and AcBel stood out among more than 21,000 evaluated companies around the world. The two major environmental questionnaires - "Climate Change" and "Water Security" both received the honor of A- (Leadership level) rating. The performance of the climate change questionnaire has significantly improved, significantly improving one level compared to the previous year's score (B), which represents that the company's climate governance performance has been highly recognized by the CDP organization, and also shows that the company has reached the level of a benchmark enterprise in climate governance.

Facing the challenges brought by the risks of climate change, AcBel actively demonstrates its climate management capabilities, and uses its professional core capabilities to accelerate operational transformation, implements the SBT (science-based target) with practical actions, and commits to reach “net zero by 2050” in line with the 1.5°C pathway.

AcBel also released the "TCFD Climate-related Financial Disclosure Report" in 2023 to disclose climate change response strategies and strengthen the transparency of climate governance. In the future, the company will gradually introduce an internal carbon pricing mechanism to drive low-carbon transformation, and also committed to achieving 100% renewable energy in global operations by 2045, and implementing the goal of moving towards net-zero emissions.

Note: CDP is a global non-profit that runs the world’s environmental disclosure system for companies, cities, states and regions. In 2023, 23,000+ companies representing two thirds of global market capitalization disclosed through CDP. CDP awards scores across the same bands as for companies (Disclosure (D/D-), Awareness (C/C-), Management (B/B-) and Leadership (A/A-).