


AcBel 2020 Sustainability Report compiled with GRI and SASB reporting frameworks

In 2020, the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) released the “Corporate Governance 3.0Sustainable Development Roadmap.” In the meantime, the sustainability development and performance of Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) has received more interest and attention than ever before. In the part of improving information transparency, it is planned that listed companies should folllow SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board, SASB Standards) and TCFD (Task Force on Climate- Related Financial Disclosure) frameworks to release the 2022 report in 2023.

AcBel complied with the government’s "Corporate Governance 3.0-Sustainability Blueprint" to meet international trend and standards. AcBel also led the industry by adopting the "GRI Standards", the standards for electronic equipment industry of "SASB Sustainability Accounting Standards" and the "Climate Change Financial Disclosure Framework" (TCFD) as guidelines for writing the 2020 Sustainability Report. In addition, AcBel complied and aligned with the "United Nations Sustainable Development Goals" (SDGs) and passed the SGS AA1000 Moderate-level GRI and SASB dual verification. 

AcBel has disclosed the accomplishment and performance in the perspectives of economy, environment and society to the stakeholders with a responsible attitude. Through the annual ESG governance and performance disclosure, it demonstrates the sustainable development of the company. 

Download AcBel CSR Report /en/csr-report-download