


"Do Something for the Tamsui River" initiative

AcBel has been located in Tamsui nearly 40 years. We not only pull out all the stops for Tamsui's development, but also make an effort to protect the ecological environment. Our concern of environment was shown in the participation and sponsorship to "Do Something for the Tamsui River," which was held by CSR@CommonWealth.

On September 24, 2019, AcBel’s consultant David Kao(former president) was invited to visit the Tamsui River. During the tour, he deeply comprehend the Tamsui River's beauty and sorrow from the difference between the past and present. He hopes that everybody could make an effort to reduce water pollution and purify the river, save the Tamsui River and Tamsui District's tourism value, environment, and sustainable development together in the future.

On June 19, 2020, we called on employees to join the "Rolling Sleeves, River Cleanup" Wugu Wetland river cleanup, collecting nearly 200 kilograms of garbage. We also help constructing waterfowl's habitat and other practical actions. This activity not only makes more people be aware of the importance of protecting the Tamsui River and environment, but also echoes the achieving goal of the integration of "people," "environment" and "business activities" of AcBel.


See more media report:


1.  《淡水河公約》2020 我們為淡水河做一件事

2.  澳门新匍新京5885守護淡水河 實現「下一站,清澈」願景

3.  跨足綠色能源 守護生態環境 澳门新匍新京5885深耕企業社會責任|為淡水河做一件事

4.  集合啦!水系公民  一群人不只走得遠,還能清出191公斤垃圾外加1台腳踏車